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An Earthship is a self-sufficient shelter built from recycling waste.

An Earthship is a passive earth sheltered structure made from repurposed materials that use natural phenomena to generate its own electricity, to heat and cool itself, to grow food, and to process its waste.[1] The concept was pioneered by architect Michael Reynolds.


Electrical needs are generated with solar panels which can be expensive for devices that use large amounts of electricity. Energy-conscious decisions need to be made to reduce electrical requirements to a minimum. Examples include using alternatives for electrical devices for heating and cooling of internal spaces and water heaters, using well placed windows instead of electrical lights during the day, using corded telephone devices instead of wireless telephones, using a small vacuum cleaner instead of a central vacuum system, and avoiding the use of electric clocks.[2]


The sun exposed side of the Earthship is designed to collect solar heat, and should be made of double-pane windows. These windows should be purchased in standard sizes to reduce costs, with 46×90" among the most common. All other windows in the structure should be triple-pane or ones with heat retaining glazing.[3]


Plants are grown in Earthships for food, their aesthetics, and the oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange between plants and people.[4]

The greenhouse hallway is the main place for plants as it receives the most sunlight. Another primary planting area is at the open ends of the "U" shaped rooms next to the greenhouse hallway to give the rooms privacy. Planters in both these areas can be open on the bottom in single story Earthships to allow the plants to grow into the unconstrained earth of the planting beds.[5] Fill the planters with topsoil from the construction site up to the last 6 inches, and the remaining space a mix of topsoil, sand, vermiculite, and peat moss.[4]

The plants are watered from the house's gray water. Mild soaps, like Ivory Liquid, when diluted are beneficial to plants in that they help plants defend against pests.[6]

Ideal plants are ones that require almost no care, are fast growers, and are very hardy such as spiderwort, geraniums, amaryllis, lilies, iris, grapes, aloe vera, and succulents.[6]



  1. Reynolds, Michael. Earthship: How to Build Your Own, Volume 1. Solar Survival Architecture, 1990. p Introduction.
  2. Reynolds, Michael. Earthship: How to Build Your Own, Volume 2. Solar Survival Architecture, 1990. pp 1-23.
  3. Reynolds, Michael. Earthship: How to Build Your Own, Volume 1. Solar Survival Architecture, 1990. p 80.
  4. 4.0 4.1 Reynolds, Michael. Earthship: How to Build Your Own, Volume 1. Solar Survival Architecture, 1990. p 193.
  5. Reynolds, Michael. Earthship: How to Build Your Own, Volume 1. Solar Survival Architecture, 1990. p 192.
  6. 6.0 6.1 Reynolds, Michael. Earthship: How to Build Your Own, Volume 1. Solar Survival Architecture, 1990. p 194.